2024 Australia Events Listing

8 August 2024 - GSA-NSW Annual General Meeting

Details: McGraths Flat: A window into the Miocene of Australia with Dr Matthew McCurry (Australian Museum). The recent discovery of McGraths Flat, an exceptionally well-preserved fossil deposit from New South Wales, has provided new insight into the palaeoecology of Miocene mesic ecosystems and the taphonomy of iron-rich fossil deposits. This talk will provide an overview and update of the discoveries being made at McGraths Flat. This Konservat-Lagerstätte hosts a rich diversity of microfossils, plants, fungi, insects, spiders, and vertebrate remains. The age of the deposit (16–11 Ma) has been determined using SEM imaging of microfossils on the surface of the goethite-rich sediments. We also used a combination of automated electron microscopy imaging and citizen science for the analysis of microfossils. The replacement with goethite has resulted in exceptional preservation of internal soft tissues and structures. Representative examples of fossils from the deposit (including a mygalomorph spider, a retropinnid fish and a bee) will be used to showcase the value of exceptionally preserved fossils for our understanding of the recent past.
Time: 6 pm (Sydney time)
Date: Thursday 8 August 2024
Location: Club York, Level 2, 99 York Street, Sydney
In-person registration: Not Required
Zoom registration: Click here

9 August 2024 - GSA-NT Seminar Series
Details: Exposing basement terranes of the North Australian Craton
with Joel Kumwenda
Location: NTGS Darwin office - Level 3 Paspalis Centrepoint, 48-50 Smith St Mall, Darwin NT 0800
Time: 4:30 pm (GMT +9:30)
LinkdIn Post: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7218894909062180864
Registration via Zoom: Click here

14 August 2024 - Joint GSAV, AIG, WOMEESA Event
Details: Speaker: Phil Skladzien - Geological Survey of Victoria. Talk title: A new fault interpretation for Western Victoria. 
Location: Fritz Loewe Lecture Theatre, McCoy Earth Sciences Building, The University of Melbourne
Time: 5.30 pm for 6.00 pm start
Further information: Click here

21-23 August 2024 -Coal Geology Council 42nd Sydney Basin Symposium
Details: The theme of the 42nd Symposium is "Understanding the Sydney Basin Today is the key to Tomorrow’s Sustainability", focussing upon both the changing times in the industry, changing environmental considerations, and the sedimentary nature of the basin.
We are seeking expressions of interest to present at the 2024 Sydney Basin Symposium. All submissions and topics will be considered by the committee. We are also looking for those who would like to do a ½ hour workshop – if you have any ideas in this space, please reach out to us and let us know! Please submit any further ideas for presentation topics or if you are super organised an abstract of up to 500 words to: [email protected].
We have a great group of motivated people working on this event but if you are interested in helping organise the event, please contact: [email protected]
Download Flyer for more information about the program, registration, sponsorship opportunities and accommodation options.
Download Call for Papers Flyer

Location: Newcastle City Hall
Registration: Click here

29 August 2024 - GSA-ACT Divisional Meeting
Details: Student Speaker: Bowen Fang. Interested in presenting? Please email one of the GSA-ACT committee members.
Keynote Speaker: TBC. Interested in presenting? Please email one of the GSA-ACT committee members.
Networking drinks and nibbles to follow ($2 contribution per drink, CASH ONLY)
Photos may be taken during the event for use in the GSA-ACT newsletter. Please let a member of the ACT committee know if you do want to be photographed.

Location: Australian National University, Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU. J1 Seminar Room or online via zoon (link to be provided closer to the date)
Time: Talks commence at 5:30pm
Registration: Link to be circulated closer to the event.

19 September 2024 - GSA-VIC Student Night
Details: Student Speakers; TBC
Location: Fritz Loewe Lecture Theatre, McCoy Earth Sciences Building, The University of Melbourne
Time: 5.30 pm for 6.00 pm start
Further information: Click here

28 September 2024 - GSA ACT Field Trip
Details: The location and format is yet to be decided. We will keep everyone updated when more information is available.
Location: TBA
Time: TBA
Registration: TBA

10 October 2024 - GSA-ACT & PESA ACT?NSW Annual Dinner and Recognition Night
Details: Join us as we will recognise the valuable contributions of our members. Talks will be given by Dr Mardi McNeil, and Professor Simon Lang, one of the AGC National Geoscience Champion. Nominate your peers for their contributions and achievements in the Earth Science sector, and to the GSA. Pasta and Pizza Buffet, all dietaries can be catered to. Keynote: Professor Simon Lang, one of the 2024 AGC Geoscience Champions. Title: Analogues for Subsurface Characterization for the Energy Transition
Location: East Lakes Football Club, Deakin, ACT
Time: 5:30pm, talk commences at 6:00pm, dinner from 7:00pm
Registration: $50 for members, $25 for students, $60 for non-members drinks not included. Tickets will be on sale soon!

12 or 13th October 2024 - GSA-ACT Earth Sciences Week Activities: Tour of the National Rock Garden
Details: Join the National Rock Garden volunteers who will give a guided tour of the new site in the National Arboretum.
Location: National Rock Garden – National Arboretum. Exact meeting point to be arranged closer to the date
Time: TBC
Registration: TBC

19 or 20th October 2024 - GSA-ACT Earth Sciences Week Activities: Geoheritage Walk at Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary
Details: Join local geoscientist, Megan Lech on a guided Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary geoheritage walk where she will take you on a 430-million-year journey - from warm tropical seas of the Canberra Formation, past violently explosive volcanoes of the Mount Ainslie Volcanics to the present-day rolling hills and chain-of-ponds drainage system. The walk is approximately 3 .5 km, 2.5-hour walk and will provide examples of local rocks, landforms and soils that offer geological clues of our regions’ buried past and the amazing stories it has to tell.
Location: Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary, exact meeting point to be arranged closer to the date
Time: TBC
Registration: TBC

31 October 2024 - GSA-VIC Selwyn Symposium
Details: Selwyn Symposium TBC
Location: Fritz Loewe Lecture Theatre, McCoy Earth Sciences Building, The University of Melbourne
Time: 5.30 pm for 6.00 pm start
Further information: Click here

28 November 2024 - GSA-VIC Event
Details: TBC
Location: Kathleen Syme Community Centre, 251 Faraday St., Carlton.
Time: 5.30 pm for 6.00 pm start
Further information: Click here

28 November 2024 - GSA-ACT Annual General Meeting and End of Year BBQ
Details: Join us as we reflect and celebrate 2024. The 2025 GSA-ACT committee will be voted. I encourage people to consider nominating to be part of the GSA-ACT committee. The committee roles are: chair, secretary, treasurer, student rep, and general council members. Please contact Tiah Penny if you have any questions.
Location: Geoscience Australia BBQ area
Time: 5.30pm
Registration: TBC

18-22 November 2024 - SGSTG Biennial Meeting
Details: The five-day conference will be broken up with mid-conference field trips. We have tentatively settled on a series of three-day pre and post-conference field trips that cover local geological highlights
Location: University of New England, NSW.

Location: University of New England, Armidale, NSW
Website: Click Here
Registration: Click Here

27 November 2024 - GESSS SA
Details: GESSS-SA 2024 will be held at the University of Adelaide. This student-led symposium highlights the ongoing research conducted by South Australian students.
Date: 27th November
Location: University of Adelaide

28 November 2024 - GSA-TAS Event
Details: 14th Tasmanian Geoscience Forum, Premier one day conference in Earth Sciences in Tasmania. Learn all about the new developments across all areas of Geoscience activities on the Island State in Industry, Government and University. Jointly organised by GSA, AIG and AusIMM Tasmanian Divisions.
Location: Tullah Lodge, Tullah


2024 Non-GSA Events Listing


10-12 July 2014 - CODES Critical and Strategic Metals Symposium 2024
Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Details: CODES, and researchers in the Critical Metals Regional Research Collaboration project, are pleased to present the Critical and Strategic Metals Symposium. The symposium, being held as part of the 2024 delivery of the Ore Deposit Models and Exploration Strategies unit (Master of Economic Geology program), will run between the 10th and 12th of July 2024 at the University of Tasmania (Sandy Bay Campus), Hobart. The three day event will bring together experts from academia, industry and government to discuss the latest research, opportunities and challenges in the critical and strategic metals sector.
Click here for more information

22-23 October 2024 - Gold24
Location: University Club of Western Australia
Details: GoldXX events are known for their ground-breaking science, high quality and controversial presentations, and being good fun. The first meeting was Gold82 in Harare.
Gold84 was in Barberton and memorable for the lively debate about syngenesis and epigenesis. Gold86 was in Toronto, and Gold88 in Melbourne was a large meeting with extremely controversial talks. Gold91 was in Belo Horizonte. More recently, the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (Western Australia branch) AIG-WA has run several GoldXX meetings in Kalgoorlie and Rotorua. The last meeting was Gold19 in Perth. All meetings fostered the ongoing collaboration between exploration, mining, government, and academia.
Download Flyer
Click here for more information


2025 Australian Events Listing