GSA Awards

GSA Outreach and Community Award
A GSA award honouring the achievements of a member in the fields of outreach, community engagement and/or education. The award will be given in the form of a medal presented at the biennial GSA conference and will be called the GSA Outreach and Community Award.

This award recognises the contributions of a GSA member of any age who has made a significant contribution to, and impact in the communication of, the Earth sciences to the broader community. The recipient will not only be an excellent communicator but someone who has the ability to inspire other Earth Scientists and promote the Earth Sciences. To this end, the Awardee will be invited to present at an appropriate event (e.g., national talk/tour/outreach event).

Selection Criteria:
Evidence of high quality and effective activities that have contributed significantly to the communication of the Earth sciences, for example:
o Inspirational outreach activities to non-experts in Australia, leading to improved awareness and understanding of the Earth sciences in the wider community
o Notable outreach activities that have demonstrably raised the profile of Earth sciences as a scientific discipline and/or Earth scientists in the wider community
o Excellence in the provision of educational and/or professional development opportunities that have benefitted the GSA membership.

The Awardee must be a GSA member and may be at any stage in their professional career (account being taken of impact/contributions relative to opportunity) and from any field in the Earth Sciences.

Click below to nominate a colleague for the GSA Outreach and Community Award
2023: Sandra McLaren

Kelsie Dadd leading a geocultural tour of The Rocks for the GSA NSW Division.