The Rocks and Landscapes series published by the QLD Division.

1977 - Lady Elliot Island-Fraser Island-Gayndah-Beggenden

Edited by R. W. Day

Geological framework of southeast Queensland - C. G. Murray
Brisbane’s North Coast and Fraser Island from the air - W. T. Ward, A. W. Stephens and N. McIntyre
Heavy mineral sand deposits of southeast Queensland - L. C. Cranfield
Heavy mineral sand deposits of Fraser Island - N. J. Krosch
The three southernmost reefs of the Great Barrier Reef Province - an illustration of thesequential/evolutionary nature of reef type development - P. G. Flood
Lady Elliot Island - P. G. Flood
Pre-Quaternary geology of Fraser Island - K. G. Grimes
The volcanic rocks of the Waddy Point-Indian Head area - K. G. Grimes
Archaeology and anthropology of Fraser Island - P. K Lauer
Quaternary geology and geomorphology of Fraser Island - W. T. Ward
Orchid Beach to Gayndah from the air - C. G. Murray
The Coalstoun Lakes volcanoes - N. C. Stevens and C. J. E. Bell
Some mines and mineral deposits of the Gayndah - Biggenden area - J. E. Siemon, P. M. Green and D. J. Horton

Additional papers handed out
Coastal dune landscapes in southern Queensland – Ecology for Geologists -  J. E. Coaldrake
The shorelines as a basis of dating - W. T. Ward

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