Lake George Escarpment, northeast of Canberra - image courtesy Douglas Finlayson


Geoheritage Policy

Download GSA Geological Heritage Policy
(Microsoft Word Document)

Australian Heritage Strategy
The Australian Heritage Strategy recognises that heritage is diverse and encompasses natural, historic and Indigenous values. The Strategy considers ways in which Australia’s heritage places can be better identified and managed to ensure their long-term protection. It explores new opportunities to support and fund heritage places, including the potential for a national lottery. It considers how the community enjoys, commemorates and celebrates these special places and the stories that underpin them. The Strategy highlights how heritage can lead to increased tourism and economic returns to place managers or owners and their communities, and makes clear that heritage identification, protection and management is a shared responsibility with state and local governments, businesses and communities. The Australian heritage Strategy can be found at

The Commissioned Essay titled Conserving Australia’s Geoheritage, by Graeme Worboys can be found at


Victorian Division Heritage Subcommittee:

National Convenor:
Margaret Brocx
PO Box 477, Greenwood, Western Australia

Members of the Standing Committee for Geological Heritage 
Australasian Palaeontologists (AAP), Kenny Travouillon

ACT, Doug Finlayson

NT, Position Vacant

rmstrong Osborne and Trudi Semeniuk

SA, Carmen Krapf

Tasmania, Clive Calver
Karen Kapteinis
WA, Margaret Brocx